Associate Membership Definitions

  • STA uses Associate Membership to provide a place for individuals or organizations that serve the member organizations, but are not themselves producing Shakespeare’s plays. These are non-voting memberships, and must be elected to membership by a majority vote of the STA Executive Committee.  Dues are required, and membership is reviewed annually.
  • STA uses Associate Membership to provide a place for organizations that are emerging with the intent of becoming Full Organizational Members but do not have a full year of producing in their history.
  • STA uses Associate Membership to provide a place for Past Presidents who are no longer working for a company member. These are voting memberships and membership is automatic. Membership dues are waived. Past Presidents become ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
  • STA uses Associate Membership to provide a place for other past representatives of organizational members who have substantively supported the activities of STA, and are deemed appropriate to have a place within the membership once they leave their member organization. These members are non-voting and must be elected by a majority of the STA Executive Committee on an annual basis. Dues are required and membership is reviewed annually.
  • Associate Membership does not automatically include a place at the conference. The EC maintains the right to limit the number of associate members in attendance at any given time in order to maintain an appropriate balance with the company membership, or in order to adhere to the needs and limitations of a particular conference site, or other reasons as they arise.
  • To be considered for Associate Membership, a representative of a dues-paying STA member theatre in good standing must be willing to sponsor the potential member.